
Infusion of Care, Inc.

Infusion of Care represents a new type of service that brings specialty pharmacies and their patients together with some of the most qualified infusion nurses available.   While we are not a home health agency or nursing registry, we offer a unique successful approach to medical billing and patient care coordination.

When we say our contracted nurses are simply the best qualified in the home infusion field, that is a fact, not bragging. All of the nurses infusing our pharmacies’ patients have a minimum of five years’ experience in emergency and/or critical care nursing in acute settings and most have worked in such settings for decades. All are ACLS, PALS, and BLS-certified and many have additional qualifications and certifications. This level of expertise makes the infusion experience, often difficult and painful for seriously ill patients rendered “difficult starts” by their previous therapies, medications, and infusions, a much more pleasurable one. These nurses are also the best to have in an emergency as well, as in the rare instance of reaction or anaphylaxis.

Infusion of Care contracts with over 40 specialty pharmacies that provide infusion therapies. We specialize in the coordination of equipment and medicine delivery, while communicating with pharmacies, doctors, nurses, and health administrators all information pertaining to their patients. We provide billing and clerical services for contracted nurses and for contracted specialty pharmacies. Seriously ill and chronically ill patients who have experienced difficulties with previous infusions, therapies, and medications feel more at ease with the level of expertise they receive from Infusion of Care, Inc.’s contracted nurses, while enjoying the comforts of home.

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Infusion of Care, Inc.

16897 Algonquin St., Suite G
Huntington Beach, CA 92649

(844) 989-1970

10501 W. Gowan Road, Suite 150
Las Vegas, NV 89129